Software Application Engineer

Mid-Level to Senior-level, with skills in any of the areas below. (We are also hiring candidates for this role from outside of the game industry.)

  • C++ (Strong skills (5+ years) required for all candidates)
  • C++11
  • C#
  • Managed C++
  • COM / COM Interop
  • Win32 API
  • Visual Studio Addin development
  • MSBuild extensions
  • User Interface development
  • Sockets communication
  • Threading experience
  • Windows application installers (WiX toolset, MSI, etc.)
  • LLVM / Clang
  • Embedded OS / Systems development
  • VMWare Power CLI / vSphere experience
  • Continuous Integration systems (Team City / Jenkins / etc.)
  • Web application development (HTML / CSS / Javascript)
  • Game Tools / Technology experience

Ready to take the next step?

Fill out our contact form and we’ll see if we’re a good match!

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